I was on amazon.com scanning through manicure supplies and saw a pack of dotting tools for $2 and I had to get them!

(these exact ones - look it up!)
So now that I have them, what the heck do I do with them!?!?

So I've scoured the Internet looking for ideas and I found some awesome stuff!
Create a Leaf Design (and add dots if you'd like)
Polka Dot French Mani
Cloud at the end of my Rainbow? How CUTE!
To Emphasize Various Colors
South American Inspired Pattern
What I'd call the "Birthday Party"
layering on various colored dots
Graduated Size Dots (so cool)
There are various shapes and sizes to dotting tools, when you select the size you need, you gently 'dip' into some polish you've spilled out onto an old magazine or whatever

and then lightly 'dot' onto the nails
Remember, thicker dots can take well over an hour to fully dry, I like to do things like this at night, then apply top coat in the morning, so the color is truly dry and won't bleed
Will YOU try a dotting tool?!