Today my
STEAL is a shocking one, because I did not anticipate that I would choose the ___________! (obviously I am going to make you read on!)
WEN Cleansing Conditioner, $30
-Revives unhealthy hair in one use
-If you wear naturally wavy hair, this product works incredibly to fight frizz and make waves more pronounced
-No harsh sulfates or chemicals, so it prolongs your hair color
-Cost, its an infomercial and QVC product, so its not cheap
-A majority of the scents are terrible. The only one I find tolerable is the Vanilla Mint
-You are supposed to use up to 20 pumps in one application, which is insane! Too much product weighs the hair down and makes it greasy!

-Its also difficult to get a second day out of your hair without washing, unless you have a very dry scalp
L'Oreal's EverCreme Cleansing Conditioner, $6.99
-The cost is so cheap! (and you're getting more than the WEN!)
-The scent is very soft and not over-powering
-Worked great for me when i went naturally wavy or blowed out my hair straight!
-You only need 5-6 pumps for each wash
-Also no harsh sulfates or chemicals
-A little heavy, if you have greasier scalp, try the EverCreme regular nourishing shampoo and conditioner, it also works great but isn't as thick
So the choice is....the
STEAL! Yes, this $6.99 drug story beauty product busts up the expensive competition! (Sorry Chaz Dean!)
So far I like the entire EverCreme line, and I think it is a great beauty buy! Have you tried WEN? Are you going to switch?