A poll on Cosmopolitan.com asked men (only) what nail polish colors they prefer to see on women, and the results are not surprising!
45% say
One to try: Essie "Fifth Avenue"

$8 at Ulta.com and Essie Retailers
25% said
One to try: Sally Hansen's "Back to the Fuscia" at drug stores nationwide for appx $4
17% said
BLUE (really? well, ok..they ARE guys)
One to try: China Glaze "Blue Sparrow"

I just bought this shade - its outstanding! Its actually a blue I will wear on my fingernails and not just toes!!
Find it at Sally Beauty Supply for $5.99
11% said
CORAL (which I am currently rockin on my FL vacation right now and the husband liked it, so I guess he is the 11%?!)
One to try: Finger Paints "I am Drawn to this Color" $4.99 at Sally Beauty Supply
and finally 2% were onto the
YELLOW trend right now!

One to try CND Colour in "Bicycle Yellow"